Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Break is IN NEED OF EXPEDIANCY (if that's the correct spelling)...

So we have big things planned for X-MAS break (some that all of us aren't aware of
From Vodka to hot cocoa, and skirts to dress shoes, MP3 is going to reunite in like 2.5 seconds. Excitement fills the air!!!
word on the street is that 2/3 of UA are hitting these chilly Chicago streets soon too!!!.... AWESOME...ER...
time for WINDOW shopping and hunting for (________).
Misteltoes are going to be placed over heads....haha... where?
Stockings are going to be filled with CULTURE and NYE will be a hell of a ball... well PROM...
we need dates... any takers?
bow tie Carson ladies, we are about to begin our journey again!!!
we need to do a holiday themed party... ya know, where sexy guys come out in green elf tights.. too random?
done... fin... back to procrastinating on FINALS...
au revoir,

1 comment:

the TriumviROOT said...

yall aint cute!!!!...this is jordan