Tuesday, December 2, 2008

...Chitty Chitty Bang Bang...

I'm at work... in a quant little office with dim lighting while Charlie Brown Christmas music streams from Imeem, and my trusty sidekick, Smart Water, is situated politely next to Midnight, my Blackberry.

All of a sudden, I'm just thinking about things... random things of course.
Things that I probably think of, often-too often actually.
So let me let you in on my thoughts.

Warning, this is about MEN...almost bashing but in a more polite way... haha

Thought begins now:

I have a handful of FRIENDS, literally, and I like it that way. I have a handful of close associates and I ABSOLUTELY like it that way. Of the few people I have in my life, there are a few single ladies that stream. Now quite often, my single girls and I talk about how we are longing for a PB, potential boo. We go on about how it's winter time and love is glazing the air like hot chocolate is filling our cups- too often. After awhile, this longing becomes bitterness... Pure bitter bliss. lol. Which raises the question, why are we SINGLE if we are awesome girls?

Here's a few reasons we have come up with in the mist of all the conversations.

1. Guys say we're intimidating.
Our response: Because we have things going for ourselves and don't douse you with our immediate attraction, are we to be considered intimidating?

2. Guys say that "IT'S NOT THE RIGHT TIME"... (this one makes me giggle slightly)
Our response: Because you are still playing the field and haven't felt the need to settle is perfectly fine by us. Trust, we're young too and there is plenty of time for being serious but if there is an attraction, play on it. Don't feed us this weak excuse. We're big girls and we can certainly handle the honesty. Besides, what you may want later, will surely be hard to retain.

3. Guys say that it's not us, it's them.
Our response: Deal with it!!!!!

Thought ends now.

Well that's it for right now...

Until Soon,


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