Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Well everyone.....

It's official............

There are more good women than men percentagewise, so the chance of having a husband is minimized. I thank you Kanye for that statement......and if you are out there in the world and just so happen to stumble upon MrsProper.......please know that your words give so much light to me at this moment in time. I've been hurt by another man....even from afar. It's so funny how you can NEVER truly know a person...not never. I've known me for 22 years (well in 15 minutes, I'll be 22) and as of right now, I don't know who I am. I am so confused and frustrated. Now please, don't get me wrong....this is not all about a man....however comma.....sometimes dealing with these men make you realize what's really going on. Dealing with this situation has shown me that I need to be focused on Culture and UA....of course this point slapped me in the nose hairs....nevertheless I needed to know. Oh, only 12 minutes until my b-day.

I am saddened by the series of unfortunate events but NO proper women can sit around in La La land while a "man" that she likes is the Mayor of Whoreville. I know....I know....I know.....I sound OVER bitter right now....but I'm not. I'm just stating the facts so that future Proper women don't have to make the same mistake.

#1....All southern men are not gentlemen
#2....Trust your best friend(s).....if they are truly in your circle...you need to listen to them
#3....Stop living in a fantasy world...daydreaming is the worst thing you could EVER do
#4....Please remember....There are more good women than men percentagewise, so the chance of having a husband is minimized!!!


1 comment:

Farrah J said...

I feel u on this post Nia! I was hurt recently also. Well, it would've been worse if my besties didn't pull me aside and help me realize that I don't take that from anyone, so why let that guy be the exception? Once again, blinded. SMH.. but I'm over it, better, and wiser.