Thursday, October 30, 2008

Shaking off the small stuff

Ummm yeah...

So our blog spills out our lives and our mini dramas.... And although things aren't terrible in my life, I figured I can just state how my little mind is feeling in this big world...

First off...

Can we all take a moment of silence for the loss of not one, not two, but three of Jennifer Hudson's family- her mother, her brother, and her 7 year old nephew. What a tragedy. She is in our prayers.

Please God let OBAMA win... I have a feeling though that the Repubs. have something up their sleeve and we maybe in for another four years of... well... DEPRESSION...


Now onto my little probs...

Missing Millie...

Nia and Eb miss you!!!! We wish we could hang out everyday but your stuck in a far away land... tears

Wait... that might be it...

Oh no...

Missing UA

I miss those boys (Earry, Alex, JT, and Jeff). Talk about SOUTHERN CHARM.

Missing New York

Can I just hurry and graduate please so I can find a spot in Gramercy with Tita...

Missing (fill in the blank)

Ok... I think that's it... for now...

By the way, Millie has found a new best friend... BLUE SUEDE PUMPS...
Style is always an instant fixer...

Until Soon...


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