Friday, October 31, 2008

..A girl's best friend...

A girl's best friend... Janee'

Quick Stats:
Friendship Est. 1992 or '93
Funky blonde hair cut
crazy driving

Love her...

I've known this one for centuries.. it seems. I got blantly CURSED out by her a few hours ago... in a good way... lol. We've been through booze, boys, books, clothes, arguments, wisdom moments, and just about anything under the SUN.

She's been here the longest... EVER

UNtil soon....


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Shaking off the small stuff

Ummm yeah...

So our blog spills out our lives and our mini dramas.... And although things aren't terrible in my life, I figured I can just state how my little mind is feeling in this big world...

First off...

Can we all take a moment of silence for the loss of not one, not two, but three of Jennifer Hudson's family- her mother, her brother, and her 7 year old nephew. What a tragedy. She is in our prayers.

Please God let OBAMA win... I have a feeling though that the Repubs. have something up their sleeve and we maybe in for another four years of... well... DEPRESSION...


Now onto my little probs...

Missing Millie...

Nia and Eb miss you!!!! We wish we could hang out everyday but your stuck in a far away land... tears

Wait... that might be it...

Oh no...

Missing UA

I miss those boys (Earry, Alex, JT, and Jeff). Talk about SOUTHERN CHARM.

Missing New York

Can I just hurry and graduate please so I can find a spot in Gramercy with Tita...

Missing (fill in the blank)

Ok... I think that's it... for now...

By the way, Millie has found a new best friend... BLUE SUEDE PUMPS...
Style is always an instant fixer...

Until Soon...


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New AIR...


As the last of the Mrs. Proper 3 to write on this OVERFABULOUS Blog, Let Me Introduce Myself. I am Camille, the Social Butterfly and latest addition to this wonderful group of friends/family. Met the ladies (Nia, Eb) during a blissful Summer Vacay in Chicago, and instantly fell in Friend-Love with them. Through them, I have met the SUPERFRESH SUPERFRIENDS of UA. Long story short, this Prodigal Child has come home to the lifestyle she NEVER should have left in the first place... But enough of the MUSHY!

Being around a group of highly artistic and epicurean individuals has really brought me back to my Eclectic roots, and I now see the Universe as i Should. I love the Beautiful things Nature has to offer (ya know- sky trees laughter... all things with color and Beauty) This Got Me to thinking... How can I best Express myself by using my surroundings and at the same timE create something Beautiful? WELL I'VE COME UP WITH AN ANSWER- I am just going to live a FEMME CHIC Kind of LIFE!!!!!

Now I know youre probably saying, "What does LIVING A FEMME CHIC LIND OF LIFE have to do with trees, laughter and color?" My answer to you is this:

Anything PROPER is done with a certain level of class, sophistication, and Femininity. PROPER Girls do things Neatly and Orderly. The universe acknowledges a PROPER Girl, and everything stands still in her presence. She is the Epitome of everything Beautiful, the definition of everything Classic. Anything a Proper Girl wears is a Statement... A Message in a bottle to Victims of Fashion Hate Crimes to always, ALWAYS


Look out into the ocean world, theres a Bottle coming towards you...


...Happy Birthday to one PROPER miss...

Well ahoy mates....

Let us all say HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY to Culture Couture x MP3's own, NIA....

Rough weeks equals good turnarounds...
1.A ride to work

2. calls from people you love... well like.. and some not so much

3. Godiva Chocolates (with a fabulous gold bag), journal, and a card

4. lunch at Fridays

5. Drinks at Regents

6. more drinks ar VAIN

hmmmmmm.... wait... isn't there class and work tomorrow?

WHO CARES... living in the proper world, the SKY is the limit...

reach on...

until soon...


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I mean.....


*Mrs. Proper*


Well everyone.....

It's official............

There are more good women than men percentagewise, so the chance of having a husband is minimized. I thank you Kanye for that statement......and if you are out there in the world and just so happen to stumble upon MrsProper.......please know that your words give so much light to me at this moment in time. I've been hurt by another man....even from afar. It's so funny how you can NEVER truly know a person...not never. I've known me for 22 years (well in 15 minutes, I'll be 22) and as of right now, I don't know who I am. I am so confused and frustrated. Now please, don't get me wrong....this is not all about a man....however comma.....sometimes dealing with these men make you realize what's really going on. Dealing with this situation has shown me that I need to be focused on Culture and UA....of course this point slapped me in the nose hairs....nevertheless I needed to know. Oh, only 12 minutes until my b-day.

I am saddened by the series of unfortunate events but NO proper women can sit around in La La land while a "man" that she likes is the Mayor of Whoreville. I know....I know....I know.....I sound OVER bitter right now....but I'm not. I'm just stating the facts so that future Proper women don't have to make the same mistake.

#1....All southern men are not gentlemen
#2....Trust your best friend(s).....if they are truly in your need to listen to them
#3....Stop living in a fantasy world...daydreaming is the worst thing you could EVER do
#4....Please remember....There are more good women than men percentagewise, so the chance of having a husband is minimized!!!


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

...Chicago Fashion Week... Dress Code Fashion Show

Friday, October 3, 2008

Mrs.Proper's Nia and Eb went to the Dress Code:Chicago Fashion Design Schools' fashion show for Fashion Focus Chicago. Dress Code was a show filled with nothing but student designer's collections. The designer's came from Columbia College Chicago, Illinois Institute of Art, The school of the Art Institute, and the International Academy of art and design.

Some of the pieces were AMAZING!!!! The line was crazy long and the weather was chilly!!!!

Welcome to our view of DRESS CODE...

Stay tuned for more from the shows....

Until Soon,


Friday, October 3, 2008

Chicago Fashion Week- GenArt presents Fresh Faces in Fashion

Chicago Fashion Week takes place this week in Millenium Park at the Chase Promenade.

It's loaded with exclusive parties, people, designers, and models.
The opening show was GenArt presents Fresh Faces in Fashion. Mrs. Proper's Eb worked this one... literally.

Setting up....

The view from the outside before it began

Some more volunteers

The Run-through

Pete Wentz (Fall Out Boy) was the host

There is way more to come....

Until Soon,

*Mrs. Proper*